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This is a pretty sweet game, with some love shown to the much revered Bomb Jack.

Thanks for playing it! I really loved Bomb Jack on the Speccy, but always found it a little bit too difficult for me. I wanted to make something a little less difficult (or at least have the choice to play it in an easier mode!), and still trying to capture the vibe of the original in the controls.  Also, you don't see many other games like Bomb Jack so I think it was past time it got some love :)

Good game. I had to play on easy difficulty, although I tried regular at first. ๐Ÿ™‚
I also included it in my October ZX Spectrum gameplay video.

Heyyy that's AWESOME! Thanks for playing and for including it in your video! :D

Hey ! this version really rocks !

Thanks for making the video! Glad you enjoy the game!

Bummer you don't do CC or something other than PayPal.

Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't have any choice in that. I'm just a dude with an account on this site. The site takes care of payment providers. Perhaps let itch support know your feelings about it? 

Very nice game, which reminds a bit of "Bomb Jack". Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:23:26. Automatic subtitles should be available soon (switch on, if necessary). Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. ๐Ÿ™‚


Thanks so much for playing my game and for your kind comments. You rock!

Absolutely loved playing this one.  Really glad you included a "too easy " mode as my hand eye coordination isn't what it used to be & it took me a bit to get my eye in.  Once I got going though I had an awful lot of fun.  Very satisfying game to play.  

The 7th level is my favourite. 


Thanks, Sloany! Really glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad I included the difficulty levels now :)

I had to quit at level 46 (on easy).  As I said on the SC forum—I'm not that kinky! I'd much rather see something different at that stage like a boss or a congrats message. Still, thanks for a superb game and a great way to spend a wet bank holiday Monday :โ€“)

Oh no! You're too good at the game! You're not supposed to go all the way to level 46! XD .. to be fair, there's a good reason it says 'too easy' on the difficulty select menu ;) .. all difficulty modes are *supposed* to get tougher over time but I can see that in too easy mode perhaps it just doesn't get tough enough! Thanks so much for playing, though. How is regular difficulty for you?

(1 edit)

Regular is fine. The highest levels on easy must be somewhere between 'regular' and 'too hard' anyway. 

So does the game not have an ending? I was mapping it for Pavero's site. Will a map consisting of the first 15 screens be representative?  (I mean, it won't miss anything will it?)

(3 edits)

That's good. Thanks for the reply.  

15 levels is the total yeah. I went with the Speccy Bomb Jack model of looping around purely to follow that model really. I think the Speccy version of Bomb Jack looped but I can't recall how many levels it had. The playtime for each level in Bomb Jack was longer so I figured 15 was a good number for the faster play.

Nice game!

Thank you LOTS for playing my game! Great video ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป